The Big Boy Crib: Night #4 and SUCCESS!

Yippeee! Wahoooo! Alriiiight!

I made a tough decision last night. I didn't know whether to give in a put T's crib in our room or just keep struggling to put him in his room and try again. I didn't give in. So for that, I'm very proud of me.

I put T to bed at ten p.m. every night. When I used to put him in the cradle, he would go right to sleep and wake up at six or seven in the morning. When I put T in his crib, he wakes up again right away. I can't complain, by the second time I put him down, he goes to sleep with little difficulties. Last night, T slept from ten until four. No surprise there. I went in a picked him up and nursed him. This used to work for T. It doesn't anymore. He just realizes that he's hungry and will nurse for hours (I don't have a full milk supply). So after an hour of trying multiple things, including putting him in bed with me, I put him back in his crib awake. I warmed up a baba, and fed it to him while he was in his crib. He was asleep before the last sip of the baba. He fussed a few times after I left the room but slept until 8:30 a.m! Wahooooo! Hoooraayy! That's sleeping in for me.

I feel like I really figured it all out! I'll tank T up before bed and then give him a dream feed* around four in the morning. It's still technically 'sleeping through the night' and it's only a five minute imposition for me. Well nothing is an imposition when it comes to my son but you know what I mean.

Every once in a while T sends these signals that tell me exactly what he needs. Usually I'm too busy doing it my own way that I don't even notice he's trying to tell me something. Then it finally hits me like a ton of bricks and I thank T, repeatedly, for finally making me understand. Babies don't communicate??? Pshaw.

*Feed him while he's laying down in his crib.

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