A Difficult Phase - Advice is Welcome and Encouraged

Calling all mothers. I need some salvation. PLEASE!

My son is going through a difficult phase right now. I believe, but am not certain, that it's separation anxiety. He's six months old and every time he is not in my arms or M's arms, he's whining or crying. I can handle listening to the whining but he sounds so sad and desperate when he cries. It's heartbreaking to just leave him on the mat or in his playpen even when I'm in the same room. I've been giving 120% of myself to keep him occupied. Then I try to disengage and give him a chance to be alone even though he cries. But the cycle quickly begins again. I'm exhausted. I can't really do anything on my own for more than ten minutes without hearing a screeching cry.

I don't have time to blog - it's taken me almost three days to write this one. I don't have time to relax. I don't have time for me. M is great. When he's not working he takes T for a walk or plays with him. But he's tired from work too. How do I get through this phase? Do I let him cry it out? Do I hold him non stop and wait out the phase?

It's just me and M here. I don't have family in town, and my friends are way too busy to even ask for help. I'm leaning towards letting him cry it out but I don't want my poor son traumatized and unable to trust. He sleeps well at night – alone in his crib. Why are his waking hours spent begging (yes, it's basically begging) for our undivided attention?

Being a mommy is not all roses and sunshine. These past few weeks have been really tough and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every mom knows that a happy mommy equals a happy baby. I seem to be in a vicious cycle of exhausted, warn out, unhappy mommy = sad baby. Not really a nice phase for baby either.

Please tell me your child went through something similar as an infant. How did you handle this? Any suggestions on how I should handle this – conventional or not? Am I overreacting? Argh. Sigh.

Side note: Please forgive my absence from Twitter, Facebook, and Blogging. Obviously, this phase is taking every ounce of me.

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  1. My Mummy Daze said... August 10, 2011 at 9:28 AM

    I feel for you. It's a tedious phase. Have you tried baby-wearing with a comfy sling? Could help to give you some hands-free time. I really liked the hug-a-bub products x

  2. Mumma said... August 10, 2011 at 2:27 PM

    I have done that, and he loves it. But he weighs 22 lbs already and it's not comfortable for more than 20 mins at a time. I really should try it several times throughout the day.

  3. Mum In The Burbs said... August 11, 2011 at 7:02 AM

    Maybe some walking in the pram could do the trick? It worked for my now 4 year old, and had the added advantage of getting me out of the house, I think bub appreciated the change of scene too. Sorry if this is something you've already done, it sucks when you're having a rough patch x

  4. traceyb65 said... August 11, 2011 at 8:10 AM

    if it helps, it is quite normal, and absolutely exhausting for poor Mums and Dads … he WILL grow out of it. be patient with yourself, let the non-essential stuff go. do you have a baby bouncer seat you can pop him in? if he is at least off the floor and able to see you, he might relax a little. and take advantage of his great night sleeping to get plenty of rest yourself.

    we have all been there … hugs to you and your hubby. xt

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