Listography: Guilty Pleasures

I'm linking up with Kate Takes 5 for Listography this week. Hop over to her blog and write your own list.

1. Teen Movies

Remember being a teen in love? I think it's the purest form of love and pain. You don't know any better, you choose the wrong guy and then you take him back after he breaks your heart. I'm just a sucker for these stories.

2. Grey's Anatomy

I have never missed an episode. EVER!

3. Sims 2 Video game

I haven't really been able to play a lot since T was born but I love building houses and neighborhoods. I'll be so excited when I have a few hours to sit down and build my life in video game form.

4. Little Things

I've always been excited to see little forms of things. Little Sharpie markers, little notebooks, little containers of moisturizer, little crafts for scrapbooking, etc. I'm thinking about making dollhouses in a baby food jar for Christmas gifts this year. Quirky, I know.

5 Spiral Notebooks

I have a collection of notebooks. Everyone who knows me knows that I can't resist buying notebooks. I like to write but I really only need one notebook at a time for that. I usually have about a dozen empty notebooks in my office at any given time. An empty page means a blank canvas for me.

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