So I'm totally and completely envious of all the ladies that are heading to BlogHer '11.
They are buying new clothes and making packing lists. They are setting up their plan of attack and they are planning 'drinks' with other blog pals. They are bringing home forty pounds of swag and making fantastic new contacts.
I've been blogging just under a year. I don't feel like I've earned my conference time yet. I feel like BlogHer conferences are a right of passage for a blogger. As of right this moment, I'm making it my goal. Maybe not next year, or the year after but by hell or high water, I'll be at BlogHer '15.
In the meantime, I'll be growing my follower list and making every blog better than the last. I'll offer funny anecdotes for mommies and share the tough times, too. This blog is my 'baby book' and my diary.
Ladies, have a blast at the conference! I can't wait to read about the trip and see all your photos. I hope to hear from you via Twitter and I'll be thinking about you when you're gone. But one day, I'll be right there with you.
1 Reaction to this post
Add CommentI am SO right there with you ... I am green with envy over everyone going to BlogHer'11. My goal is next year ... I WILL be at BlogHer'12 schmoozing with sponsors and clinking glasses with other bloggers I'm dying to meet ;)
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