Mama's Losing It Writing Workshop: Not Sure if I Should Post This

The other day, I was looking through Mama's Losing it Writing Prompts. I love blog hops, linkys, and writing prompts. I'm hoping to brave VlogTalk soon. I especially love @mamakatslosinit's prompts. They are all great titles for future blogs.

However, one prompt struck me like a ton of bricks. I shook me to the core. The prompt...

Write A Letter to Your Ten Year Old Self

The prompt haunted me. That little ten year old girl inside was terrified. You see, she's a chubby, lonely, sad little girl. I hate to see her suffer. I know that she grows up in to be an incredible human being. My first instinct - hug her like crazy, mommy style.

I started writing the letter. It poured out of me as if the spirit of that little ten year old girl was writing through me. Her poor broken spirit. I started writing about her experience with sexual abuse. She begged me not to tell anyone our secrets. I assured her that letting go of the secrets is what sets us free. She's too young to understand this.

I started writing about her experience with violent physical abuse. She pleaded, Please don't post this where people can see it. I told her that I promised my blog readers that I would always tell the truth, even if it was hard to do so. She cried, and kicked, and screamed.

I re-read the letter to her. I told her that people would be supportive and appreciate our honesty. Maybe it would even inspire someone else write a letter to their ten year old self. We are NOT the only little girl who had a tragic childhood. But she continued to beg. She was inconsolable.

So I didn't post the letter. But the adult in me still wants to.

Now I'm asking you, my readers, if I should post something – well, let's face it, this depressing. I want your honest opinion. My blog is about family and motherhood. These experiences happened to women everyday and it's entirely possible, GOD FORBID, they happen to our children. How personal should I really get here? Should I protect this ten year old inside and leave the secret locked up?

What would you do?

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  1. buttonbrain said... August 18, 2011 at 7:59 PM

    Sadly what you write about IS part of family and motherhood. Let it go, send it out, allow others to catch you. Trust we will.
    That little girl has many friends with their own secrets, all waiting to be published. There is a saying that goes "Leap and the net will appear". xxxx

  2. Mumma said... August 18, 2011 at 8:01 PM

    Thanks for the encouragement. :)

  3. 30on...Mom! said... August 20, 2011 at 8:55 PM

    I agree with lisa. I just might write a letter to my 10 year old self too.

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