T's First Mode of Transportation

T has figure out how to rollover. I'm so amazed at how brave he is. He has not yet perfected tummy time yet but he's confident enough to roll from his back to his belly. He usually needs help being propped up when he gets to his belly but he seems upset that he couldn't do it by himself. Then as soon as he was secure in the tummy/head up position, he decided to try the army crawl. Such an independent young fella!

As I was watching T use his little muscles to swing to the side, I realized that rolling over is T's first mode of transportation. This means trouble. Because if I know anything about T, he's curious and persistent. He will roll all the way around the house if I let him.

One of T's favourite places is laying on his play mat. He can kick and flail and play. I've created a little bumper system around him so that I can leave him there while I sanitize his bottles and wash a few dishes. But those days are over. I'll have to be watching his every move.

I figured that one day I would be chasing a rambunctious little cutie around the house but I didn't know it would be this soon. I can guarantee that one of these days T will be laughing he head off as I chase him around the house, and the park, and the backyard...

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