
Kate Takes 5 - Listography

I thought I'd take part in Kate Takes 5 listography this week. Topic is Inventions.

A Force Field from Pain and Cooties - Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of those icky period cramps and sleep deprivation headaches forever!? I would put this force field around my whole family so that T would never feel the pain from immunizations or teething.

Free Nanny - Ok, so a nanny already exists but a nanny that doesn't charge a salary does NOT exist. So I'm inventing her. She knows when I need a break. She never leaves a dirty dish in the sink. She changes T's poopy diapers. And she pushes the stroller when we go to the park.

Post Pregnancy Lose-Forty-Pounds-in-a-Minute button - I lost 15 pounds in a matter of moments when T was born, why can't I lose another 25 a few moments later???

A Landscaping Machine - My garden is full of weeds, my backyard hasn't been mowed in weeks, and I'd really love that same front porch that my neighbours have. I certainly don't have time to do all of that!

A Shut-the-Hell-Up Button - I've become increasingly less tolerant for rude people. Especially people who use their cell phone like it's a megaphone. The other day, I heard a young lady, maybe 16, telling her cell phone that she had a UTI. Ew!

A Weather Controlling Gadget - I love it when the days are warm enough for a cute sun dress but the nights require a sweater. No humidity and no snow!

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