Finding My Mommy 'Type'

I know now that everything happens for a reason. Every crazy mistake I've made, every good deed, every regret, and every relationship has prepared me for one monumental moment - the birth of my son, Tommy.

Motherhood has always been my dream job. I know the pay sucks and the hours are long but the challenges match the rewards and the boss is pretty darn cute when he sleeps. I'm proud of myself for being so good at this job. Yes, there are times (mainly at 3am when I haven't slept for 30 hours), when I have no idea what I'm doing or how I'll live through it, but perspective hits me like a splash of cold water when I see his sweet little smile.

I'm so lucky to have the most supportive signot in the world. I don't know what I'd do without Mark. He knows exactly when I need to eat, sleep, and take a break. He's always encouraging and motivates me to be the best mommy I can be.

Mark and I both play a very different role in Tommy's life and the balance works out well. Mark is Tommy's best friend. I know T is only 6 weeks old but the two of them hang out and play games. T just adores his father and is already so eager to please him. Mark will always be the Dad who encourages T to climb to the top of the playground equipment - unassisted. I will always be the Mom who yells "Don't! It's too dangerous!"

It's hard to say what type of Mommy I'm going to be when my son is so young. I hope that I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Mostly that involves listening to that little instinctive voice. I hope that I'll be the one that he runs to when he has a boo-boo or the one he asks to sing him to sleep. I hope when T becomes a man, he remembers his mom as a very kind hearted, nurturing woman.

It's also important that I'm NOT a certain type of mom. I'm not strict. Bottom line. But I do NOT want to be a pushover. It's hard for me to say "no" and mean it. But I also want my son to respect me and the decisions I make. I'll have to find a middle ground in there somewhere.

For now, I'm going to be the mommy who nurtures T when he cries and feeds him on demand. I'll be the mommy who makes him smile and, hopefully soon, giggle. I'll be the mom who rocks him to sleep every night. And most of all, I'll be the mommy who loves him more and more every day.

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