Over the past few weeks, I've really noticed T's personality shining through. He smiles and laughs often and he loves to be entertained; not just stimulated - entertained. He coos for hours sometimes. It's easy to imagine that he's actually having a conversation with us. He's starting to grab at objects and not just our fingers. He reaches out of me when I'm nursing him. He loves to be cuddled.

I say this a lot - I've waited my whole life to meet my son. I've thought about what he would look like, how his voice would sound, and what kind of man he'd become. But I never thought about what type of personality he'd have. I think that's why I'm so genuinely surprised when I learn new things about him.

T's changing so quickly. I want to save every moment but I feel like my memory can't hang on to every little thing I want it to. It starts to feel like what happened moments earlier feels like a week away when the next moment happens. Photographs help me keep things fresh but they are still and T's constantly in motion. If I shot video of these moments, my computer would be at capacity.

I've also noticed that my personality is changing. I'm switching into mommy-Jenn. I have more patience. I'm a master at multi-tasking. I worry less about certain things and more about others (that still makes for a lot of worrying though). And my new idea of relaxing is washing dishes or doing laundry.

I hope the next few months are as exciting as the past 2 months have been. The next adventures include moving T to his own room and getting T to hold his head up. Being a mommy is just so much fun.